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All the photo entries into our spring 2024 Virtual Tournament will be posted below. Click on the photo to see full-size image. Prizes will be handed out for the following:

  1. Longest Fish (AKA the Hawg!)
  2. Shortest Fish (AKA the Guppy!)
  3. Fish Closest to 16” in length without going over
  4. Fish Closest to 14” in length without going over
  5. Fish Closest to 12” in length without going over

High School Winners:

  1. Longest Fish (AKA the Hawg!): W Spillman, 21.75”
  2. Fish Closest to 16” in length without going over: R Pardi, 16” (Tied with Walker Spillman but Walker won big fish)
  3. Fish Closest to 14” in length without going over: B Hibbit, 14”
  4. Fish Closest to 12” in length without going over: C Smythe, 12”
  5. Shortest Fish (AKA the Guppy!): J McCullough, 14.5 (since all others won other categories).  True smallest fish was a 9.25” from R Pardi

Junior Winners:

  1. Longest Fish (AKA the Hawg!): A Hart, 18.25”
  2. Fish Closest to 16” in length without going over: D Soroka, 16”
  3. Fish Closest to 14” in length without going over: Landon Hackworth and Carter Kulpa (Tie), 14”
  4. Fish Closest to 12” in length without going over: No prize given since tie for 14″
  5. Shortest Fish (AKA the Guppy!): E Weeks, 8.5”.  True smallest fish was a 7.5” from D Soroka but he won other category…

Hartley’s Hawgs – High School

See below for all tournament entries. Click on image to see full size.

Hartley’s Hawgs – Piglet’s (8th grade and under)

See below for all tournament entries. Click on image to see full size.